I’m back!

Hello, you lovely book lovers!

I know its been a while since I’ve posted (a little over a year) but I’m back now. Originally this blog was started for a college course on blogging. So, once the course was over I stopped posting. I wasn’t sure it was something I could keep up alongside the workload of my last semester of undergraduate study. Now, I’ve been a college graduate for eight months now, trying to navigate the job market, starting online courses to get my masters in publishing and navigating the roller coaster that is your twenties where you’re trying to figure out your place in the world (I know cliche but how else do you describe it?).

Overall, 2018 hasn’t been a great year for me. I’m working though to turn things around, have a more positive outlook, focus on me and work on my writing. I’m already working on my writing as a romance ghostwriter and now picking up with the blogging again. I’ve also been toying with the idea of writing my own book. I’ll keep you all posted on that possibility.

So, “Head Stuck in a Book” is going to have new posts soon. You’ll see the usual book reviews of romance novels I’ve read, good and bad. Also, I’m looking into posting other types of posts that may be reviews of books made into movies or posts focused on books that may not be romance novels. Whatever I post about here I promise you it will be focused on books in some shape or form. “Head Stuck in a Book” is a book blog and it’s going to stay that way. You may see some change in the writing style as well. I want to make the blog more fun and connect with you the readers more. I haven’t started writing any posts yet and that’s one of the ideas I have brewing in my head so we will see what magic flies across my keyboard.

I hope you all enjoy the new posts to come. As you see the blog become more active again, any input from you all is welcome no matter if its post suggestions, likes or dislikes of the new posts or anything else that comes to your mind and you want to share with me. Don’t be afraid to hit up the contact page.

Happy reading!

Enhancing your reading experience, showing your love of books

As a book lover, we not only buy and collect books. We also possess other items to enhance our reading experience and to show off our love of books.

For this post, I want to show you some of the items I have collected over the years, and continuously collect, to add to my reading experience. Also, I wanted to give you some shopping items to add to your shopping list.

So, first the items I love and use to enhance my reading experience with items both big and small.

  1. BookBub is a website for readers who are looking for great e-book deals or new books to discover. The website has you choose the genres you enjoy reading, and then every day they email you their daily deals of free or discounted e-books based on your preferences
  2.  Of course, what does it mean to read a book without a bookmark? You may be a reader who burns through a book in a few hours without stopping with no need for a bookmark, and that is awesome! However, if you are like me, you are constantly busy and have days where you can only fit in 30 minutes to an hour of reading time. P.S. these are only the ones I currently have at school with me. I assure you my collection is much larger than just three!
  3. If you find yourself reading at night, then you might find it beneficial to invest in a reading light. I personally bought one because 1) I used to share a room with a roommate and stay up late reading 2) now that my roommate and I have separate rooms, I prefer dimmer lighting and 3) I don’t feel like rolling out of bed just to flip the light switch off. It’s late at night and I am tired, so don’t judge.
  4. This is a new discovery of mine. Sometimes you find holding a book open through a reading spree can cause your thumb to hurt, especially with smaller books with stiff binding. This is where “Thumb Thing Book Page Holder” is great. The only drawback I have found is it is plastic and it tends to dig into the top of my thumb, but there are other options out there. I still use it, though, and it is very helpful.
  5. This little gem is called “The Book Seat” and is my favorite new thing in the world to use when reading. I tend to use it more when utilizing my Kindle. You just rest it in your lap and it holds the book up for you! It has annoyed me slightly with paper books when I need to turn the page, but it’s definitely useful with e-readers. I would recommend this for avid book lovers who want something to help prop their books up while sitting or lying on their side when reading.
  6. When setting up a peaceful environment while reading, usually I like to have dim lighting, occasionally turn on my mini essential oil diffuser and soft, mellow music in the background. Spotify has several great playlists for this. I usually go to the “Focus” or “Sleep” category when browsing or to the coffeehouse playlists in the “Mood” category.

Now, book accessories are great, but a true book lover takes it further and buys many items, showing how much they passionately love books, aside from the bookshelves full of books or, in the case of my future home, a whole room (or two) full of books.

  1. Clothes! Nothing says I love books like clothes saying it loud and proud.
  2. Of course, we can’t always hold a book in our hand, especially when we need them for other activities, like eating. So, to continue to convey to the world what an amazing booklover you are, you eat/drink in style.
  3. My mom found these for me and obviously knows me well enough to know my favorite classical romance novel is “Pride and Prejudice.” Find some temporary tattoos, or permanent ones, to show your love of books.

What are some of your favorite book accessories or apparel?